Schelhammer Capital Bank AG is the private and investment bank in the Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG (GRAWE) group. Together with Bank Burgenland, it forms the GRAWE banking group. The insurance company was founded in 1828 by Archduke Johann as a fire damage insurance company. In the run-up to its foundation, he experienced at first hand how a devastating major fire destroyed the livelihood of several generations in a short space of time.
Reason enough for him to create a solution by founding a fire damage insurance company. Almost at the same time, in 1832, the merchant C.M. Perisutti founded what is now Vienna's oldest private bank. In almost two centuries, Schelhammer & Schattera has repeatedly shown that even the hardest blows can be overcome. Economic crises, fires and even two world wars have transformed the bank into reconstruction and progress. For example, religious hospitals and schools were built. Last but not least, the bank was instrumental in the reconstruction of St. Stephen's Cathedral.
Following the tradition of GraWe's founding father, a direct descendant, Dr. Philipp Meran, still represents the company's founder today as President of the Supervisory Board of GRAWE, the Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG. Behind the group, an association based on mutuality ensures independence.
The sub-group of Schelhammer Capital includes the online broker DADAT, BK Immo, as an initiator of retirement flats and builder-owner models, and Security Kapitalanlage AG, as the group's fund company. In addition, Schelhammer Capital holds a 20% stake in Bank99, which operates throughout Austria.
Schelhammer Capital Bank AG addresses wealthy private individuals, families and foundations as well as companies and institutional clients for all questions related to asset management. Via the platform, we also offer favourable custody and account management for customers of independent financial service providers.

Franz-Reisch-Straße 1
6370 Kitzbühel